SWH2023 Day 71  The End of the World

Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Route: Hike from Fisterre to Finisterre

Location: Hotel Naturaliza, Fisterre

Weather: Mist, rain, wind

Distance: 8.1 km 1h 42m

Steps: 12,812

The mist obscures everything, allowing only a hazy view of the shoreline below. The path slowly climbs to the crest of a ridge, the lighthouse materializing out of thin air. The trail is deserted as we make our way down the rocks below the building. I can imagine we are walking off the end of the earth.

Five years ago, on Canada Day, 2018, we left the front door of our home, cycling alone down the Budapest streets through a cool summer morning. Today, a half-decade later, on a rainy afternoon, we are alone again when we reach the ocean.

And yet, as I look back and remember the journey, it is not the soaring peaks or sun-soaked beaches, nor the many good meals or flagons of wine that come to mind. It is the people, the bike touring company owner in Zagreb providing a lift and talking about his passion for Argentinian tango, a Slovenian girl translating for her mother and sharing her dreams, with a stranger come to spend the night, of a life beyond the mountain hut. The kindness of locals to travelers stranded by a rockslide. A bus driver waiting for us to reach the road and climb wearily aboard. It is the friends that joined us, and in the end saved us during the Via Alpina season, and the joy of sharing a week riding along the Rhone with my eldest. And, of course, the mutinous crew aboard the Bloated Barge reminding me of how nice it is to be alone on occasion.

I am grateful to all of them for helping the trip grow into something far richer than I ever imagined.

There are not enough words to properly express my admiration and appreciation for having Tracey along. After telling me for a year prior to departure that it was a stupid idea and attempting to dissuade me with expectations of disaster and gloom, she somehow determinedly accompanied me for almost the entire trip.

The journey has been exhilarating, challenging, joyous, hard, frightening, beautiful, sad, comfortable, sweet, cold, thirsty, wet, boring, fascinating, astonishing, educational, idyllic, strenuous, difficult, unexpected, constrained, messy, free and always, always, all ways wonderful.

Wonderful. To be full of wonder.

What more could I ask for in a journey? Or a life?

Here endeth the first chronicle of The Slow Way Home

The end of the walk
The end. And the start.
Saltwater at last
Looking ahead to the next leg


  1. Amazing accomplishemnt!! I bow down to both of you for your strength courage and tenacity in getting this done!! And can I add patience was a huge part of the whole adventure!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. OMG Thank you for your journey! It was an exhilarating experience. I have been a huge advocate to reach for the stars, and that my friends you have done!
    Cheers to both of you!


  3. Loved following you along your journey through your words and photos. You’re a great observer and writer, two things that together create great literature. I look forward to talking to you on the phone about it all.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Congrats! It was great to meet you on the camino. Thanks for the drinks, dinners and conversation we shared! The two Christinad


  5. I’ve loved following along. I’ve loved reading your wonderful way of expressing yourself. While in recovery from an annoying stress fracture I’ve walked step by step in my mind. We too stayed at the Parador in Santiago. We too were exhilarated to reach Km 0.0.

    Enjoy Porto 🙂


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